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The three levels of the Sculp© system deliver a cutting-edge leadership development system for you to become the powerful creator of a better future for yourself, your family, and your community.

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And radically upgrade your life in 60 days without losing any time.


Program starts 10 February 2025

Men's Level 1 

100H Core Enrichment™

Level 1 is the bedrock of your program to Self-Mastery. The program helps you identify what's missing in your life and pursue your sincere and deepest heart's desires. Imagine how great you feel moving towards fulfilment, knowing where you are heading, and with Sculp and the men in Sculp as your ally.

The Sculp© system? It's like a universal guide for leadership, based on timeless principles, not just trendy tricks. So, whether you're as green as grass or wise as Yoda, this system's got your back. Unless you don't have internet or a better support/GPS system, which we haven't found. Then you're doomed.

Mind-bending results guaranteed.

The Sculp System is a blend of science and ancestral wisdom distilled and synthesized for the 21st-century Westerner to find his way out of the noise of information and into action that brings results even in the most elusive areas like emotions, love life, and spirituality while not neglecting its physical counterparts like economics, health, and the way you live.


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Using our unique personality mapping system, the Sculp© Map, we carefully assess your specific situation and progress — your goals, ambitions, fears, roadblocks, etc. ensuring your individual needs and those of the group are being met.


Use the Sculp© map to define where you are, where you want to go, and how to get there. The process becomes incredibly simple. This is THE roadmap to navigate your life, leaving no stone unturned.

The  map consists of the inner seven dimensions and the eight outer aspects of wealth, which is the terrain of our work together.


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The Seven Inner Dimensions are here to guide you, help you understand, and orient yourself in your inner world.


Many humans now understand that we aren't only body, emotions, and mind. We also have access to energy. You've maybe heard of it as consciousness, spirit, or the soul. Over the millennia, it has been referred to with many names. We are not here to tell you how to think, but we are here to support you in finding your connection to inner peace, intuition, and wisdom beyond logic and the limitations of the mind. These things are NOT found in the outer world, and as a result of that

misunderstanding, greed, and never-ending consumption become people's demise no matter how much outer wealth they accumulate. Master your inner world and notice how your outer life changes faster than ever.


Become as free of preventable diseases, injuries, and illnesses as possible.

Gain access to a wide range of feelings and possess the communication tools necessary to describe them.

Make your mind your friend and let your intelligence work for you.

Cultivate and express care and compassion for yourself and others. Practice empathy and forgiveness.

Know yourself - your needs, desires, the things you like and dislike to be able to anticipate what your future self needs from you.

Connect to your soul and access the deeper knowing of your heart.

The Divine is the sum of all six dimensions. The whole expression of yourself. All dimensions united in awareness and contribution.

The Eight Outer Aspects Of Wealth are here to guide you, help you understand, and orient yourself in your outer world.


The Aspects of Wealth are more straightforward to explain. As there is an inner world, there is also an outer world. The Eight Outer Aspects of Wealth help you determine where you are, where you want to go, and what stands in your way in each particular area. Each aspect of wealth asks you to master and gradually move towards fulfillment. Miss one, and you'll miss an essential part of richness in your life.



Measure, develop, and create mastery in the four corners of intelligence. Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual fitness.

Learn the tools to build deep, intimate relationships in your private and business life.

Optimize sleep, movement, nutrition, and recovery for ideal energy levels towards your physical performance.

Connect to your higher purpose in life, your deeper why. Fuse your career with meaning and experience the power that it gives you. 

Recreate your relationship with money and free yourself from limiting beliefs around scarcity. Find your way to support your financial needs and make your money work for you.

Identify how to surround yourself with people who inspire and guide you towards excellence. Be that person for others as well.

Your lifestyle is a statement of what you value and love in your life. Ensure it resembles who you want to be and where you are moving towards.

A life without service is empty. Find what makes you shine while supporting the ones in need because you are needed.


Alec McPike


Stockholm, Sweden

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Stockholm, Sweden

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Daniel Eriksson

Serial Entrepreneur

Stockholm, Sweden

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Serigne 'Mo' Thioune

Personal Coach

Stockholm, Sweden

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At Sculp, we believe in results. Results show that things are functional and work. We believe that if you take the right action at the right time and in the right way, you will see either immediate results or results over time.


Our guarantee: If you're not happy with the man you have become after 100 hours with us, we will take full responsibility and give you 100% of your money back. There's one condition: You must show up. You must attend at least 80% of the program and give your best effort from start to finish.

We also understand that life comes with all sorts of unexpected challenges. So, if an actual emergency comes up and you can't continue the program, you have the opportunity to join a future program at no additional cost.

Men who went through the L1 Program: 51

Refunds issued to date: 1



There’s a common story told today. It goes like this: the majority of men today have it better than ever, which is partially true. The story continues that men have all the luxuries, comforts, pleasures, and privileges - or so it seems. Yet, still, suicide rates in men are higher than ever. Disease and sickness are skyrocketing each year. Feelings of loneliness, sadness, despair, and hopelessness begin earlier and earlier in youth. We asked ourselves the question: Why do the great majority of men worldwide today feel empty, meaningless, sick, and depressed? We believe we have found answers and solutions to these questions that lead us to the core wounds of humanity, specifically for men. This is why the Sculp System was created initially. To solve these problems. But to be true, after we solve these problems, the real challenge just begins.

Because after the core wounds are healed, another layer arises: How do I (we) learn to thrive? I mean truly thrive. Not just having the house(s), car(s), wife(s), kids, and fancy vacations, but deep inner fulfillment, intimacy, connection, and a zest for life. We believe we have found solutions to these questions as well, or at least we are creating them together. The short answer: Self-Leadership, practicing the art of leading yourself towards your highest fulfilment. 

Once you've learned how to lead yourself, the next challenge is to learn to lead others and become a role model for yourself and everyone around you. Where are we taking the collective? What is my contribution to creating a better future? How can I best serve my community?


Once you're here, the game becomes really interesting! This is where we access a form of leadership that we believe is more needed than ever.

We are answering a call deep inside of us, asking to help and support the brothers in need. Our mission is to create the one thing we wish we had along our life journey: a signpost, a lighthouse. A gathering of men sharing their wisdom, experience, and knowledge, bringing together the scattered pieces that provide the foundation for success. A place to learn all of the elements that many schools, fathers, and other male figures couldn’t teach us - often because no one taught them.


We have defined this as life leadership: the pillars needed to succeed in life as a man. With success, we mean being strong, happy, healthy, and wealthy. We also mean living a life worth living and being able to provide for your family and community. To pass on wisdom and power to others so their life becomes better. Leaders who create leaders who create leaders. Last but not least, we mean being in service to something larger than your ego.

An essential part of the male journey, put simply, is:

1. Heal your core wounds

2. Know yourself

3. Lead yourself

4. Know others

5. Lead others

6. Create other leaders & support other leaders

7. Make yourself obsolete.

The final step of leadership is when you're no longer needed.

This is in no way a linear process but shows up continuously in many variations and forms in different cycles of life. You can see this evolution of becoming a man captured in the myths and stories all over the world that we love so dearly. From fatherhood to business, from friendship to life - this is the game of life. We help you deliver and enjoy this process, together.


We don’t have all the answers. We don’t know the precise way. We are men like you, walking the path, doing our best. What we do know is that we need each other and that we’re better together. That we need help and support and that it sucks doing this on our own. You have to bear some things on your own, but we are here for the rest.

For this reason, we have gathered new and old practical wisdom and remodeled it for the 21st-century Westerner, building the foundation we wish every man had. We're like the latest smartphone update for humanity—sure, you didn't ask for it, and it might take some getting used to, but eventually, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it. Plus, we promise not to drain your battery life—quite the opposite.


If this resonates with you, apply for the Sculp Men's Level One 100H Core Enrichment program.


And if it doesn't resonate with you, hit apply anyway and find out how we can support you.


Daniel Müller;

Co-Founder & Head Trainer

Co-founder of hale breath center; Wim Hof Method Instructor Level 2; Evolution Coach; Rite of Passage Facilitator; creator of Ice & Breath Transformational Workshop; Authentic Relating Facilitator

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Fabian Bolin;

Co-Founder & Lead Trainer

Multi-award winning serial entrepreneur, Co-founder and former CEO at War on Cancer; Conscious Business Leadership Coach; Breathwork Coach; Speaker, and Podcaster.

Men's Level 1 

100H Core Enrichment™


Utilizing both time-tested and experimental methods that we’ve geared to optimize physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual performance — the program is aimed straight at the heart and soul of the 21st-century Western man.

  • Every day, for 60 days, we meet at 5am to do a 90-minute live hosted virtual session.

  • Every week, you'll meet in a smaller group for 90 minutes with your group leader (who was a past Level 1). This is your sub-team.

  • Once a month, you'll have your 45 minute 1on1 with your group leader. 

  • For one weekend, we'll gather everyone for a physical retreat, intended for your connection, joy, and the forming of hopefully lifelong bonds. 

  • You'll have life-long access to the recordings of the larger group sessions.

  • You'll have a designated accountability buddy. This is your blood brother throughout the journey.

  • Communication platform with all members and trainers.

  • Assessment and self-inquiry through the Sculp© Map.

  • Becoming part of a network of men who are ready to support you in life.

  • 1-year free access to the Sculp© 360° Fitness Center.



  • You're succeeding in life but know there's something more.

  • You want deeper connection to yourself and others.​

  • You want to radically upgrade your leadership, personal development, and performance.



  • You blame everyone else for your problems and are unwilling to take responsibility for your situation.

  • You want all your problems fixed for you and think this is some form of magic pill.​​

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